ga-ab-kar-re: (cf., gaba-kar).
ga-áb-kù-ga: milk from pure cows ('milk' + 'cow' + 'pure' + genitive).
ga-áb-sig7-ga: milk from beautiful cows ('milk' + 'cow' + 'beautiful' + genitive).
ga-an-tu: (cf., gan-tu). to drip; to bubble ('milk' + 'sky, air' + 'to make a repetitive noise').
ga-an-zír[È-KA]: entrance to the netherworld (cf., ganzer).
ga-àr-ra: powdered or finely grated cheese ('milk' + 'to grind' + nominative).
ga-arhu-a(-ke4): the milk of mercy ('milk' + 'womb; compassion' + genitive).
ga-ba-al...dù: to challenge, contradict, quarrel (either related to gaba, 'rival' or Akkadian qablum, 'controversy' + 'to make').
ga-ba...ál: (cf., gaba...
ga-ba-kar-re: (cf., gaba-kar).
ga-ba-ra-hum: revolt (gaba, 'rival' + 'to overflow' + 'to wrestle, smash, break').
ga-du(7): lintel (above a door) (? + du7, 'to finish, complete').
ga-e8: merchantman (compare ga-sa10).
ga...gu7: to nurse/feed with milk ('milk' + 'to feed').
ga-gu7-a: suckling foal ('milk' + 'to feed' + nominative).
ga-kug: (cultically) pure milk ('milk' + 'pure').
ga-murx[LAK 490]: a type of cheese ('milk' + 'strained in cheesecloth' ?).
ga-nam-me-àm: it is indeed (affirmative + 3rd person pronoun + 'to be').
ga-ra-an-da: bearing fruit (cf., gurun).
ga-rasar: leek(s) (Akk. loanword).
ga-sa10: tradesman ('let me buy!').
ga-sub-ba: milk sucking ('milk' + 'to suck' + nominative).
ga-a-an: lady (cf., gaan).
ga-e-a: milk for barley porridge; sour milk ('milk' + 'barley' + locative).
ga-ti: plea, petition ('let me live!').
ga-zi-in-bu: stake (for impalement).
ga-zum: carding (wool).
(i)ga-zum: comb (don't know why some read
ga-ríg - the Akkadian is kaa,sum and gazzum).
gaba-diri-ga: enormous strength ('rival' + 'to go over, exceed' + nominative).
gaba(-na)...dug4: to speak against (someone) ('rival' + 3rd person with locative + 'to speak').
gaba-gi4: opponent; opposition ('rival' + 'to besiege').
gaba-ál: strength ('chest' + 'to be available').
gaba...ál: to boast ('chest' + 'to be
available'). to put out one's chest; to defy ('breast,
chest' + 'to deliver').
gaba-kar(-re): escapist ('rival' + 'to flee'; cf., gaba...zi).
gaba...ri: to confront ('breast, chest' + 'to throw out').
gaba-ri: n., rival; copy, duplicate ('breast' + 'to exchange' - imagines the two breasts as copies or duplicates).
adj., withstanding attack (describing a door or weapon).ú): to encounter ('breast, chest' + ru-gú, 'to oppose').
gaba-u-ar: resistance, rival ('breast,
chest' + 'hand' + 'to place on').
gaba(-a) to hold to the breast ('breast' ( + locative) + 'to hold, clasp').
gaba...zi: to retreat ('breast' + 'to take out').
gába[KAB]-ra: shepherd boy/girl (Akk. loanword from kaparrum I).
gada-bar-TÚG: long linen coat ('linen' + 'long coat').
gada-dilmun-ù-lal: a dress of Dilmun linen ('linen' + 'Dilmun' + pronominal prefix + 'to hang').
gada-mah-i-lá: spread out
linen ('linen' + 'large' + 'tool' + 'to extend').
gada-ní-dùn-dù: a linen
garment ('linen' + 'object' + 'to bring low' + 'to make').
gag-ha-har-ra-na: a peg or nail ('peg' + 'roads' ?).
gag-ma: a peg or nail ('peg' + 'one-half').
(i)gag-si-sá: arrow ('nail' + 'to
make straight').
gag-zag-ga: side (?) peg ('peg' + 'side, boundary').
gal-bi: adv., greatly ('great' + adverbial force suffix).
gal-di: mighty (judge) (an adjective for the god Enlil) ('large' + 'to decide, judge').
gal-gal-di: boaster (reduplicated 'large' + 'to judge').
gal-nar: head musician ('large' + 'musician').
gal-ùa: overseer ('large' + 'people').
gal-zu (gal-an-zu): wise; omniscient; intelligent ('large' [ + 'heaven'] + 'to know').
gal5-lá(-gal), ùl-lá(-gal):
police chief, gendarme, deputy, bailiff; a demon ('to overwhelm'
+ 'to force into; to look after' [ + 'big']).
galam-kad5: artfully made ('artistic' + 'to bind together').
galam-ma: exalted one ('elaborate' + nominative).
galam-ma hu-ru: clever fool ('ingenious, elaborate' + nominative + 'idiot, hillbilly').
ku6gam-gam(-ma): a fish (Pomadasys stridens) (reduplicated 'curved; shriveled').
itigan-gan-è: calendar month 9 at Nippur during Ur III.
(i)gan-na: grinding stone (?) ('rack' +
gan-tu: tenant ('to bring forth' + 'to occupy').
gan-tu-tur-ra: minor tenant ('tenant' + 'little' + nominative).
gána-ga: hill country ('land' + 'milk').
gána-íl: taxable land or field ('land' + 'to carry').
itigána-ma: calendar month 1 at Laga during Ur III.
(i)gán-ùr: harrow ('field'
+ 'to drag across').
gàr-du: a class of persons ('hair lock signifying slavery' + 'to go').
ge-e-tu: six hundred (ge-u (?);
gi-a-dag: raft ('reed' + 'water' + 'resting place').
gi-dili-dù: a single-growing reed (idiomatic expression) ('reed' + 'single' + 'to plant').
gi-dù-a: reed hut; reed fences; high-quality writing stylus ('reed' + 'to make' + nominative).
gi-dub-ba: stylus ('reed' + 'tablet' + nominative).
gi-dùg-ga: sweet reed, i.e., with a sweet, edible marrow ('reed' + 'sweet' + nominative).
gi-duru5[GI.A]: supple, swaying reed ('reed' + 'fresh').
gi-gu4-ud: catapult ('reeds' + 'to leap').
gi-gun4(-na), gi-gù-na: sacred building ('reeds' + 'decorated temple').
gi-gur: reed basket ('reeds' + 'basket').
gi-gur-e-bal: basket for carrying grain ('basket' + 'grain' + 'to transport').
gi-izi-lá: torch ('reeds' + 'fire' + 'to hold up').
gi...ku5: to cut reeds ('reeds' + 'to cut').
gi-kud(-a): cut reed, used to make measurements ('reed' + 'to cut' + nominative).
(i)gi-mu: punting pole ('reed' + 'snake').
gi-na: consent (cf., gi(n)) ('just, firm' + nominative a).
gi-na-tum: security deposit (Akkadian loanword).
gi-NI: a scented substance ('reed' + 'oil').
gi-rin[LAGAB]: pure, spotless; shining; blooming, fruitful; a syllabic writing for gurun, 'fruit' ('reliable' + 'bright' (?)).
gi-sa, kí-sa; gi(-ní)-sa-há:
bundle of reeds; abutment or platform ('reeds' + 'mat, bundle').
gi-sa-hul: a type of reed ('reed' + 'head'
+ 'bad').
gi-sal: reed screen on the roof ('reeds' + 'to be thin and wide').
gi-SI.A: (cf., (gi)uub).
gi-sig: reed wall, hut ('reeds' + 'small, weak').
gi-à-sur: sieve ('reeds' + 'intestines' + 'to flow, drip').
gi-ul-hi: a reed or plant that was used as a medicine ('reed' + 'invader' + 'numerous').
gi-UGUN: (cf., gi-gunu4).
gi...zé: to cut reeds ('reeds' + 'to cut').
gi-zi: a kind of reed ('reed' + 'good; high').
gi-1-ninda: measuring reed ('reed' + 'one' + 'a distance measure').
gi4-an: cultically unfit ? ('to reject' + 'heaven').
gi4-in: slave (girl) ('to lock up' + 'he, she').
gi4-me-a-a: colleague, fellow (cf., nam-gi4-me-a-a) ('to return, come back' + 'office, function' + locative + plural suffix).
gi6-an-na: at night ('black' + 'heaven' + locative).
gi7-nun: slave (girl) ('to lock up' + 'master').
gi16[GIL]-da: basket.
gi16[GIL]-sa: lasting; of lasting value.
gi16[GIL]-sa...aka: to treasure highly.
gibil-bi: the first time ('new' + adverbial force suffix).
gig-ba: (cf., kibx).
gig(-è) to cause trouble;
to be angry at ('injury' + terminative + 'to set').
gil-le-èm: destruction (cf., gilim).
urudugín-sal: a light metal hoe.
gín-tur: a surface area measure, little shekel = 1/60 shekel = 1/3600 square nindan (sar) = 3 surface e = 36 square fingers = surface of the side of a cube of 1 sìla capacity.
gir-ab-ba: sea fish.
gir4-bil: furnaceman, stoker ('kiln' + 'to burn').
gir15/gi7-nun: lofty noble (an adjective applied to Enlil) ('noble' + 'royal').
giri17-zal: (cf., kìri-zal).
gu-du: anus.
gu...dúb; gu...tag: to align; to adjust (with a string) ('string' + 'to strike/to touch').
gu-la: large, great (cf., gal; gu-ul).
gu...lal/lá: to set out a snare ('string' + 'to place, set, stretch, extend').
gu-sum: impression on a tablet (a wedge) ('needle' + 'to give').
gu-ul: to enlarge; to increase; to make numerous; to be great, exalted; sometimes = gul, 'to destroy' (cf., gal; gu-la).
(i)gu-za: throne; chair (cf., guzza).
gu-za-lá: throne-bearer; chair-bearer ('throne; chair' + 'to hold up').
gú...aka: to submit; to bow, to someone: dative
('neck' + 'to do'; cf., gú
gú-an-e: all things considered ('land' + 'sky' + 'barley').
gú-bala: the turning edge ('edge' + 'to revolve').
gú...dirig: to sum accounts ('loads' + 'to add').
gú...dù: to despise; to neglect ('neck' + 'to fasten, plant').
gú...è: to cover ('neck; edge' + 'to extend').
gú-è: wrap.
gú-en-bar-ra: outer throne room.
gú-en-na: river mud; throne room ('river bank' + ?).
gú-gal: chick peas ('chick pea/bean' + 'large').
gú...gíd: 'to stretch the neck' as something that mourners do ('neck' + 'to stretch out').
(i)gú-gíd-gíd: an agricultural
tool ('neck' + reduplicated 'long').
gú-gir: processing of bitumen.
gú-gú-GUD: a type of pea (reduplicated 'chick pea/bean' + 'ox, bull').
gú-gú-UH: a type of pea (reduplicated 'chick pea/bean' + 'insect, vermin').
gú...gur: to gather, collect, amass (often with -da-; often reduplicated) ('chick pea/bean' + 'basket').
gú-gur5...dug4/du11/e: to cut down ('neck' + 'to separate' + 'to effect').
gú i...
ál: to submit
(to someone: dative) ('neck' + 'yoke' + 'to place').
to submit ('neck' + 'to set down'; cf., gú...aka).
(cf., ú
ar which is the
later Neo-Sumerian form of this Old Sumerian original) ('neck'
+ 'upon' + 'to place [a load of debt]').
gú-iri3/16: breach
(cf., gú
gú iri16...
to breach walls ('to submit' + 'fortress').
gú...kud: to cut (off) the neck ('neck' + 'to cut').
gú...lal/lá: to bow down; to kneel; to embrace (with -da- or -ta-); to peer out (with bàd, 'city walls') ('neck' + 'to hang, extend').
gú-tar...lal/lá: to style or dress hair; to bind an animal's mane ('neck' + 'to cut, determine' + 'to lift').
gú...mar: to pile up.
gú-mun: caraway ('pea' + 'salt').
GIGgú-nida[NUNUZ]: a type of (high-quality) wheat (cf., zíz-GÚ-NUNUZ).
gú-ri-ta: from the other side ('side, bank' + 'that' + 'from').
gú to assemble, organize ('necks' + 'to be upright, in order, and still').
gú-è: up to the edge; to the other side ('side, bank' + terminative suffix).
gú...ub: to be lax with respect; to scorn (with -i-) ('neck' + 'to make fall').
gú-tar: back of the head ('neck' + 'to cut (hair)').
gú-tuku: mighty; foremost ('neck [for carrying ?]' + 'to have').
gú-tur: lentils ? ('chick pea/bean' + 'small').
gú-un: tribute; load (cf., gun).
gú...ús: to raise the neck ('neck' + 'to join').
gú-za: a jewelry (?) ('neck' + 'precious stone').
gú...zi: to have success ('neck' + 'to raise').
gù...dé: to call; to cry; to say ('sound' + 'to pour out, shape').
gù...ta-dé: to read aloud ('voice' + 'from' + 'to pour out').
gù...dúb: to shout ('voice' + 'to make tremble').
gù...dug4/du11/di/e: to make a noise or sound ('noise' + 'to effect').
gù describes the twanging of bows
('sound' + 'to deliver').
gù...mur: to roar, bray, bellow ('sound' + 'lungs').
gù-mur-aka: hero; professional mourner ('to roar, bray' + 'to do').
gù-nun...di/e: to make a pleasant/loud sound ('sound' + 'fine, great, deep' + 'to say, do').
gù...ra(-ra): to shout, roar ('sound' + 'to strike').
gù-ra-ah: chattering, noise-making ('sound' + 'to strike repetitively, shake').
gù...sè(-g/k): to make obedient ('voice' + 'to apply; to cause').
gù...sum: to repeat; to echo; to talk to (with dative) ('sound' + 'to give, lend').
gù to scream with an ear-splitting voice ('voice' + 'to split').
gù-té-a...sì: to be united ('voice' + 'to come together' + locative + 'to surround').
gù...tumu2/4: to call ('noise' + 'to carry').
gu4: (cf., gud).
gu4-ud: to jump; to flutter; to dance (reduplication class: gu4-gu4-ud); the planet Mercury ('bull' + 'sun').
gu5-ul: great (cf., gal; gu-ul).
gu7-kur-kur-ra: bread-basket of all the lands ('food, sustenance' + 'lands' + genitive).
gùb-bu: left arm ('left-hand' + nominative with vowel harmony).
gùb-ka4: stud farm manager (?) ('left-hand' + 'speed. fluency').
gud-áb(-ba): breeding bull ('bull' + 'cow' + genitive).
gud-alim: bison ('bull' + 'bison').
gud-am; gu4-dam: a mythological entity ('bull' + 'wild ox').
gud-apin-ní-túg: blanket for a
plow ox ('bull, ox' + 'plow' + 'thing' + 'cloth garment').
itigud-si-su: calendar month 2 at Nippur during Ur III.
gud-du7(-du7): perfect, unblemished bull; fierce, goring ox ('bull, ox' + 'complete, suitable; to butt, gore, toss').
gud-dub: ox (recorded) on a tablet ('bull, ox' + 'tablet').
gud-dun-a: subordinate ox ('bull, ox' + 'subordinate' + nominative).
gud è: oxen taken out (of work) ('bull, ox' + 'to exit').
gud é-gàr: working oxen ('bull, ox' + 'assigned task').
gud-gal-gal: full-grown ox ('bull, ox' + reduplicated 'great').
gud-i: work ox ('bull, ox' + 'tool').
gud i-ùr: oxen for the harrow ('bull,
ox' + 'beam, harrow').
gud-lah5[DU-DU]: ox driver ('bull, ox' + 'to drive').
gud-mu-x: x years-old ox ('bull, ox' + 'name, year' + number).
gud-niga: fattened ox ('bull, ox' + 'fattened').
gud-numun: oxen for sowing ('bull, ox' + 'seed').
gud-numun-diri: reserve oxen for sowing ('oxen for sowing' + 'excess').
gud-numun-gána: oxen for sowing on the field ('oxen for sowing' + 'field parcel').
gud-ra: ox driver ('bull, ox' + rá, 'to drive along').
gud-su7-ra: threshing ox ('bull, ox' + 'threshing floor').
gud-sún: wild-cow ('bull, ox' + 'aurochs cow').
gud-ár(-a): perfect bull ('bull' + 'to be many; to slaughter' + nominative).
gud-u-gi4: old ox ('bull, ox' + 'old').
gud-úhub: grazing or trampling oxen ('bull, ox' + 'to step; to graze').
gùd...ús: to build a nest ('nest' + 'to moor, join').
(i)GUL-BU: a kind of wood ('evil; to extinguish'
+ 'to uproot').
gul-lum: cat ('to fall upon, destroy, extinguish' + 'fertile'; cf., ki-gul-la).
gur-ra: adv., in return ('to return' + subordination suffix /-a/).
gur-2-ul: a capacity measure of 72 sìla in Presargonic Girsu.
gur-sá-dug4: a capacity measure, = 160 sìla ('reed basket' + 'offering; measuring container of either 24 or 40 sìla').
ál: a capacity measure,
= 240 sìla, where Civil says the difference is
that this gur has been filled from measuring containers
topped off with a 'head' of grain instead of being leveled off
at the top ('reed basket' + 'head' + 'to place').
gur4-gur4[LAGAB+LAGAB]: a standard size container for wine, beer, and oil, = 10 liters (reduplicated 'thick, round, plump').
gur5[KA×GU](ru.u(11))...búr: to bare the fangs (sign for 'mouth-needles' ( + 'to send' + 'poison') + 'to release').
guru7-du6: grain stack ('granary' + 'heap').
guru7-ma: grain depot ('granary' + 'interest, profit').
guru à-sahar: earth moving workers ('laborer' + 'essence' + 'earth').
á-e: I; myself ('I' + subjective ending).
á-e-me-en: it is me; I am one who...
('I' + enclitic copula + 1st or 2nd person ending).
á-gi(4)(-a): (cf.,
á: adding, addition
(reduplicated form of
ar, 'to accumulate').
á-la...dag: to cease (doing something)
(often with -ta-) ('to be somewhere' + 'resting place').
Á-nam-ma-da: (cf.,
Á-nu: (cf.,
á-nun: storage area (
'storeroom' + 'noble').
ál...taka4: to
open ('to be somewhere' + 'to open').
alga-sùh: nitwit ('consideration'
+ 'to be confused').
come with me! (
imperative form of
en, 'to go, come' + conjugational
-ba with locative force + 'with').
e26-nu: come!.
éme-ma: female tender of goats
('work-woman' + 'goats').
e'u: six
hundred ('sixty' + 'ten'; cf., ge-e-tu).
etin-hád: raisins ('grape
vine' + 'dried').
to set the mind to (with -i-) ('understanding'
+ 'to set').
to listen, pay attention (to: with -i-) ('ears,
understanding' + 'to make available [to]').
to listen to (with dative) ('ears' + 'to give').
to stop one's ears ('ears' + 'to cover').
etu(2,3)-tuku: possessing
intelligence ('ears, understanding' + 'to have').
to forget ('ears, understanding' + 'great storm').
i6...di: to pass the
night ('night' + 'to go'; cf., ù-di).
residence of the en priest or priestess ('night'
+ 'to stretch out').
i6...sá: stay
to midnight ('night' + 'to make equal').
stay to midnight ('night' + 'half').
i6-ù-na: in
the middle of the night ('night' + ù-na, 'triumph').
idru-è...nú: to lay (heaped-up
grain) under the (measuring) stick ('stick' + terminative + 'to
lie down').
a scepter of long (years and) days ('scepter' ( + years)
+ 'days' + 'lasting, far away' + genitive).
in-na: ordinary ('ordinary' + nominative).
ír...DÙ: to cut off (?) ('knife'
+ 'to erect').
ar: to clear the way ('road'
+ 'to place, establish').
lúír-lá: butcher ('knife'
+ 'to weigh').
aneír-nun: a type of donkey ('expedition'
+ 'great, fine').
ír-pa: butcher knife ('knife' + 'branch').
ír-tab: scorpion ('knife' + 'sting').
ku6ír-ús: an inexpensive fish
('knife' + 'length').
ír-zal: scalpel ('knife' + 'to shine').
ìri...díb: to take a path, be
on one's way ('path' + 'to traverse, pass along').
ìri-kúr...díb: to take
an unfamiliar path ('path' + 'strange' + 'to traverse').
ìri KU-bi-è...
to be subjected ('foot' + 'at their place' + 'to be located').
ar: to step forward; to
trample (with -ni-) ('foot' + 'to place, set down').
ar: to place
something under the authority of someone ('foot' + terminative
+ 'to place, set down').
ìri-gub(-ba): step; footstool, pedestal
('foot' + 'to stand').
ìri...gub: to step on ('foot' + 'to stand').
ìr-lam: fruit-cake ('way, path' + 'abundance').
ìr-pad-rá[DU]: bone(s) ('foot'
+ 'to break off a piece' + nominative).
ìri...ra: to stumble ('foot' + 'to strike,
to trample; to stamp out ('foot' + 'to harvest'(?) + 'to
ìr-sè-ga: menial(s), domestic(s)
('foot' + 'to apply, do').
ìr-úhub: hoof ('foot'
+ 'boot').
ìri...ús: to follow on foot; to
set one's foot on ('foot' + 'to follow; to join').
ìri...zé-er: to lose one's footing,
slip, slide ('feet' + 'to remove'; cf., ki-ma-an-zé-er).
a fish (reduplicated 'to seek refuge').
ir5-ra: courier ('to
run, trot' + nominative).
iskim-ti: recognized ('signal' + 'to stay alive').
iskim...tuku: to get recognition ('signal' +
'to get').
iskim-zi an-na: good omen from heaven ('signal'
+ 'good, firm' + 'heaven' + genitive).
issu...lal: to cover with a shadow ('shadow'
+ 'to extend, reach').
i: plow ('the' tool, par
i-ab-ba(-k): a type of thorn tree; a wood
used to make boats and sickle hafts ('wood' + 'sea' + genitive).
I-BAD: in the Akkad period, a length measure
equal to 1 cubit, 1 kù.
i-bad: a basket with a wooden handle;
threshing sledge.
i-búru: net, trap ('tool' + 'to
spread out' + nominative with vowel harmony).
i-dù-a: timber ('wood' + 'to build,
erect' + nominative).
i-e11: key;
door pin ('tool' + 'to exit').
-i-en: irrealis suffix, 'unreality' form
suffix ('tool' + 'enigmatic background').
i-gan...bala: to conclude a sale ('pestle'
+ 'to hand over').
i-gána-ùr-ra: harrow ('tool'
+ 'field' + 'to drag over the ground').
i-gaz: cudgel ('tool' + 'to crush, vanquish').
i-gaz-mè: battle cudgel ('cudgel'
+ 'battle').
i-gi: reed bank, thicket, cane brake ('tree'
+ 'reed').
ál: answering chorus ('tool'
+ 'to answer' + 'to be').
i-gíd-da: long wood; punting pole;
javelin, spear ('wood' + 'long' + nominative).
i-gíg: a date palm ('tree' + 'black,
i-gú-ba: a piece of tableware ('tool'
+ 'chick pea, bean' + 'to give').
i-gù-di: a loud musical instrument
('tool' + 'to make a noise or sound').
ar: to assign ('tool' + 'to
i-lá: battle ('tools'
+ 'to raise'; cf., ki-
i-HAR: dredging (?) work in the
canal ('tool' + 'obligation' ?).
i-hé: firmament, sky ('tool'
+ 'abundant').
i-hum: bench on a wagon ('wood'
+ 'to bruise').
i-hur: plan, drawing ('tool' + 'to
draw, sketch').
i...hur: to draw; to make plans
('tool' + 'to draw').
i-ì: (cf., e-
i-KÁ: (cf., ákan).
i-kad5: stepladder
('tool' + 'to tie, bind together').
i-kar2/3: task
(cf., é-kàr).
i...lal/lá: to be silent ('tool'
+ 'to hang up').
-ti: craftsmen ('work
tool' + 'side').
i-mah: (cf.,
i-ná: bed; bedspread ('tool' +
'to sleep' + nominative).
: wooden water pail ('wood'
+ 'to drink').
i-nu(11): lamp,
light ('tool' + 'light, fire, lamp').
i-pàr: (cf.,
i...ra: to thresh ('stick' + 'to beat').
i-rín: weighing scale (cf., érin,
I-RU: (cf., (
i-si4: a date
palm ('tree' + 'red-brown').
I-AR: (cf., kiri6).
i-u: shackle; haft ('tool' + 'hand').
i-u-kin: (cf., (
i-ub(-ba): lot, share ('tool' +
'to cast, throw, drop' + nominative).
i...tag: to make a religious offering,
sacrifice (often with dative) ('tree' + 'to adorn').
i...tuku: to hear, listen to ('tool' +
'to get, have').
i-ùr(-ra): log, beam, rafter (e.g.,
of a roof); harrow ('wood' + 'roof').
i...ùr: to harrow (often with -ni-)
('tool' + 'drag').
ì á-zi...e: to commit rape
ì, 'penis', + 'violence' +
'to do').
ì...dù: to have sexual intercourse
ì, 'penis', + 'to plant').
ì-nu-zu: virgin (said of animals)
ì, 'penis', + 'not' + zu,
'to know').
ì-zu: having born young; open (
'penis', + zu, 'to know').
izzal...aka: to pay attention ('attention' +
'to do', cf., sa
izzal-kalam-ma(k): the most intelligent person
in Sumer ('intelligence' + 'land (of Sumer)' + genitive).
ha-al-ma: vandals (ha-lam + nominative).
(urudu)ha-bu(2,3,6)-da: a heavy copper hoe (Akkadian loanword, hap/buutum).
ha-la: (inheritance) share, lot (cf., hal).
ha-lam: to ruin; to destroy (often with -ta-) (cf., hul(3)).
(i)ha-lu-úb, (
oak (?); sapling (?) [one Akkadian equivalent means 'young
ha-luh: (cf., hu-luh).
ha-mun: mutually opposing; contrasting, harmonizing; clashing (hum, 'to wrestle' conjugated as Akk. huud, 'joy', conjugates into hadûm, 'joyful' - except in Sumerian there is no syllable 'mum', just the syllable mun).
(i)ha-u-úr: the cypress
or Persian oak tree or its resin ('abundance' + 'to pour' + 'tree
ha-za: to hold, grasp; to retain (Akk. ahaazum, Orel & Stolbova 25).
uruduha-zi(-in): ax (Akkadian loanword, Orel & Stolbova 1318, cf., 1305).
(i)har-har: a musical instrument; chain
(reduplicated 'ring, bracelet') (cf., kíkkin).
har-ra-an: road (a city on the route to the Mediterranean, Akkadian loanword).
to rejoice ('lower abdomen' + 'to deposit').
(i)haz...aka: to slaughter ('tool'
+ 'to thresh' + 'to do'; cf., gaz, 'to slaughter').
hé-àm: 'so be it', 'let it be',
consent, approval, wish (precative prefix + +
'to be').
hé-àm-me-àm: [that] is our
wish ('wish' + + 'to be').
hé-du7: decoration ('let it be suitable, fitting').
hé-en-na-nam-ma-àm: it is indeed
(precative prefix + + na-nam, 'indeed'
+ enclitic copula, 'to be').
hé-ál: overflow; abundance
('let there be available').
hé-...nam-...: let it be.
hé-nun; hi-nun: abundance, fruitfulness ('may it be; numerous' + 'great, fine, deep').
hé-zu-hé-zu; hé-zu-hé-za: knowledge (reduplicated [with vowel alternation]: 'numerous' + 'to know').
hi-a: (cf., há) ('to mix' + nominative).
hi-li: beauty; (sexual) charm, appeal; luxuriance ('numerous' + 'cedar oil, fragrance').
hi-li...aka: to behave gracefully ('beauty' + 'to do').
hi-li...du8(-du8): to apply adornments ('beauty' + 'to adorn; to spread').
hi-li...gùr-ru: to be full of opulence ('beauty' + 'to bear, carry').
hi-li-ma(-ra)-az: joyous (?) beauty ('beauty' + asa, 'cage, fetter' or ingredient in asilal(3,4,5), 'joy, gladness').
hi-li...sù(-sù): full of appeal ('beauty' + 'to rejoice').
hi-nun: (cf., hé-nun).
(i)hu-lu-úb: (cf., (
hu-luh, ha-luh: to scare; to become scared, frightened ('birds/fish' + 'to sweep away').
hu-nu, hu-hu-nu: helpless (hu-(
), 'to hire' + 'none').
hu-rí-in: eagle (Akkadian loanword, urinnu I; Orel & Stolbova #52 *'ar-/*war- 'eagle'; note that AHw says that urinnu II, 'standard, totem', is a Sumerian loanword).
hu-ru(-um): idiot, hillbilly, boor (Akkadian loanword ?).
hu-su: (cf., há).
hu-úr-sá-á/ne: (cf.,
húb-gaz: slaughter ('athlete' + 'to slaughter').
húb...sar: to run ('athlete' + 'to run').
húb...ú: to trample (?) ('athlete' + 'to cover').
hul...dím: to hurt, cause pain ('evil' + 'to create, make')
hul...gig: to hate ('evil' + 'to be sick').
hul-ál: evil ones ('evil' + 'to
húl-la: very happy; joyful ('joy' + subordination suffix /-a/).
hur-sa: hill-country; mountainous region
('holes, valleys' + 'points, peaks').
hu-a: something red ('angry' + nominative).
i-i: (reduplicated éd).
i-bí[BIL]: smoke; Emesal dialect for igi, 'face; to see' ('to go out, rise' + 'to burn').
i-dib: threshold; flagstone, slab; device, contrivance ('to go out' + 'to traverse, cross').
i-gi4-in-zu: indeed!; as, like (used in hypothetical comparisons).
i-lu: song, lament, dirge ('cry' + 'to multiply').
i-lu...du11/e: to sing a dirge ('dirge' + 'to speak, sing').
i(-r): (cf., ir).
i-ti: (cf., itud).
i-si-i: complaint; lament (cf., isi2,3). to wail (to someone: dative)
(isi2,3, 'moaning' + 'to set').
i-si-i...lá: to sit in anguish (isi2,3, 'moaning' + 'to hang').
i-dutu: outcry; complaint; cry for justice; 'Oh, Shamash!' ('cry' + divine determinative + 'god of justice').
i-zi: waves (cf., iz-zi) ('to go out, rise' + 'to rise, go out').
í-kú: inclined angle, inclination (e.g., 45 degrees - the angle formed by animals eating fodder).
ì-áb: fat of cows, cream (?) ('fat' + 'cow').
ì-áb-sè-ga: clarified butter, ghee (Old Sumerian) ('cow fat' + 'to make flat [by boiling away the water]').
ì-bí-la: (cf., ibila).
ì-dub: storage jugs, pitchers ('oil' + 'to store, heap up').
ì-dùg(-ga), ì-du10-ga: perfume; good oil ('oil' + 'sweet').
ì-dùg-nun(-na), ì-du10-nun(-na): cream; perfume ('oil' + 'sweet' + 'fine').
(lú)ì-duh/du8: janitor; porter; door keeper (impersonal verbal conjugation prefix + 'residue, waste').
ì-gu-la): perfumed oil ('oil' + 'flax' + 'beauty, desire').
ì-i: sesame oil ('oil' + 'tree').
ì-HI-nun(-na): (cf., ì-dùg-nun(-na); hé-nun; hi-nun).
ì-ir-a: ointment ('oil' + 'perfume' + nominative).
ì-ku6: fish oil ('oil' + 'fish').
ì-lah4: a profession (impersonal verbal prefix + 'to fling away').
ì-lí: fine oil (jar) ('oil' + 'true measure; fine oil').
ì-nun: butter; clarified butter, ghee (Neo-Sumerian) ('fat, oil' + 'noble').
ì-rá-rá: ointment mixer ('fat' + reduplicated 'to stir, mix').
ì-sa: best, fine oil ('oil' + 'prime').
ì-si-na: (cf., e-si-na).
ì-ah: pig lard ('fat' + 'pig').
ì-ti: moonlight (cf., itud).
ì-udu: fat, tallow ('fat' + 'sheep').
AR]: to
promise, predict; ominous remark (inim, 'word' + 'to
make, establish').
ib-si8[DI]: square ('eye' + 'to crack open').
íb-dam-za: anger ('to be angry' +, 'to grumble').
íb-lal: underwear (?) ('hips' + 'to hang, stretch, extend').
íb-tag4: leftover ('middle' + 'to disregard').
kuíb-ùr: (cf., kue-íb-ùr).
íd-a-dug: irrigation project ('canal' + 'water' + 'vessel').
(i)ig-u-úr...DU: to bolt the
door ('door' + 'hand' + 'base' + 'to go').
igi-a-a-na-è: before his father ('front' + 'father' + ni-a(k), 'his + genitive' + terminative suffix, 'unto').
igi...bad: to open one's eyes ('eye' + 'to open').
igi-bala: traitor, turncoat; shiftiness ('eyes' + 'to turn, change, revolt'). to look at ('eye' + 'to open'). to choose; to legitimate ('to look at' + 'legitimate; to strengthen').
igi-daal: wide seeing eyes ('eyes' + 'wide').
igi(-è)...dib(2): to pass in front of/before ('face' + terminative suffix + 'to pass by').
igi-hul...dím: to put the evil eye (on someone) ('eye' + 'evil' + 'to fashion').
igi-du: adj. for a lead animal; leader (also read as palil) ('front' + 'to walk').
igi-è...du: to walk in front of ('to the front' + 'to walk').
igi...dù: to be on the lookout for (with -i-) ('eye' + 'to raise erect').
igi...du8: to see (often with -ni- or bi-); to spy; to witness ('eye' + 'to crack open').
igi-du8-a: visibility (of the moon) ('to see' + nominative).
igi(-tur)...gíd: to despise, look upon with disfavor
or anger ('eye, face' + 'little' + 'to lengthen'; cf., sa-ki...gíd).
igi-gu4: a stylized biconvex geometric figure constructed from 120 degree arcs ('eye' + 'ox').
igi...gub: to look at ('eye' + 'to set').
igi-gub(-ba): coefficient ('inverse' + 'fixed').
igi-gùn-gùn: flashing eyes ('eyes; face' + 'to sparkle; to have on makeup').
igi...ál: to (be able to) see; to understand;
to look upon (often with -i-) ('eye' + 'to place
igi-4-ál: 1/4.
igi-6-ál: 1/6.
igi-ál(-la): clever, intelligent ('eye'
+ 'to place [into]' + nominative). to face, look at (with -i-
adds intensity to the gaze); to appear before someone ('eye; face'
+ 'to set').
IGI-AR(-m): review, inspection, supervision.
igi...íl: to direct the eyes to (with -i-, at a specific object); to view; to look over ('eyes' + 'to lift').
igi-íl-la: choice ('eyes' + 'to lift' + nominative).
igi...kár: to look upon; to examine, inspect; to select (often with -i-) ('eyes' + 'to illuminate').
igi-lá: (cf., igi-tùm-lá).
igi...lal: to close one's eyes ('eyes' + 'to diminish, retreat').
igi-mè(-/ak/): before the battle; vanguard ('before; front' + 'battle' + genitive).
igi-níin: treachery ('eye' + 'to wander,
turn away').
igi-nim(-ma): upper country - from Sumer either the east or the northwest ('to face' + 'east').
igi-nu-du8(-a): blind person - a slave; unskilled worker ('eye' + 'not' + 'to crack open'). to see ('eyes' + 'to fill').
igi-sìg-sìg[PA-PA]: an insulting face ('face' + reduplicated 'to strike, knock down'; cf., ka-sìg).
igi-sig5: pulverized (onions) (cf., mun-gazi) ('eye' + 'to be good').
igi-su: (cf., i-gi4-in-zu).
igi...suh: to stare with wide-open eyes ('eyes' + 'to pop out').
igi-X-è: in the presence of X ('face, front' + X + terminative suffix).
igi...te-en: to unite ('eyes' + 'to soften, allay').
igi-te-en: fraction; proportions; symmetry.
igi-tùm-lá: coveting, longing, greedy eyes; a starving person ('eyes' + 'to obtain, carry away' + 'to weigh').
igi-u4-è-a: facing the sunrise, facing east ('face; before' + dutu-è, 'sunrise' + locative).
igi...ùru: to be on guard, vigilant ('eyes' + 'to watch, guard').
á; igi-zàg-ga:
select, precious ('eyes' + 'to choose' + nominative).
igi-zé-zé: dry-eyed (?) ('eyes' + 'to cut, shear, pluck'; Akk. ,suhhutum means 'pressed out').
igi-zu: (cf., i-gi4-in-zu).
íl-lá: elevation ('to lift' + 'to hang'; cf., dùn-lá, 'depression').
íldag[A-AM]-zi-da: pleasant poplar tree ('poplar tree' + 'good').
im-ba: loss ('the paid out').
im-babbar(2): gypsum; whitewash ('clay' + 'white').
IM...dirig: (cf., ní...dirig).
im-dù-a; im-du8-a: wall of rammed earth; adobe wall ('mud' + 'to build, erect' + nominative).
im-dugud: lump of earth or metal (cf., aarx)
('clay, earth' + 'weight').
im-gíd-da: small, one column tablet ('clay tablet' + 'long' + 'side').
im-íri: lightning storm ('storm' + 'lightning
im-ha-mun: a dark-colored earth used for a high-contrast dye ('clay, earth' + 'contrasting'; cf. also, im-ri-ha-mun).
im-hul: evil wind ('wind' + 'evil').
im-lá: container; width ('clay' + 'to hold').
im-lag: clump of clay ('clay' + 'piece').
im-ma: last, previous (year) ('the named').
im-ma-al: milk cow (cf., immal(2)).
im-ma...gub: to register on a clay tablet ('clay tablet' + locative + 'to write down'; cf., im-u-gub).
im-ma-si-im-ma-diri-ga: 'it is too much' - the scream of suffering men or of women in travail (a deverbalized fixed form).
im-mar-tu: westwind ('wind' + 'western desert').
im-me: to be the one for (ì + me + a).
im...mir: to be windy ('wind' + 'storm wind').
im-nun: edge of the civilized world ('writing tablet' + 'great').
im-ri-ha-mun: storm, whirlwind ('weather' + 'to blow' + 'mutually opposing').
im-ru(-a), im-ri(-a): relatives, family, clan ('the sent out').
im-sa12-ti-um: eastwind ('wind' + 'eastern mountains').
im-sar(-ra): clay tablet; document ('clay' + 'to write' + nominative).
im-si-sá: northwind ('wind' + 'straight').
im...è: to rain ('storm' + 'to
im-u: paragraph, section, extract (on a tablet) ('clay tablet' + 'portion').
im-u-gub: list tablet ('sections' + 'to write down'; cf., im-ma...gub).
im-u-rin-na: oven.
IM×TAK4; IM.TAK4; TAK4; TAK4.IM: to cut; to be cut out.
im-u18-lu: southwind ('wind' + 'storm').
in...bu5-bu5: to blow away the straw/chaff ('straw' + redup. 'to blow'; cf., bul).
in-dal: chaff ('straw' + 'to fly').
in...dé-a: cleaning straw after winnowing ('straw' + 'to pour' + nominative).
in-dub: marked out border ('straw' + 'to heap up').
in(-nu)(-è)...dúb: to insult; to taunt (with -ni-) ('insult' ( + terminative suffix) + 'to knock down').
in-ga-: again; equally (frequently follows -gim).
in-ga-na-nam: it is also ('equally' + emphatic + 'to be').
in-na: insult.
in-nam-gíd-da: storehouse (rare variant of u-gíd-da).
in-nu: negation (cf., an-na, 'yes').
in-nu(-da): straw ('straw' + nud, 'bed' + genitive).
inim...bala: to have a conversation; to interpret; to translate ('words' + 'to revolve').
inim-búr-ra: breach of treaty ('words' + 'to dissolve, loosen' + nominative).
inim-dirig: excessive words, arrogance, hubris ('words' + 'to exceed').
inim-dùg: good word ('word' + 'sweet, good').
inim...dug4/du11/e: to say ('words' + 'to speak').
inim...gi4: to answer (with dative prefix and -ni-); to call back one's word (with bi-) ('word' + 'to return').
inim-sig...gu7(-gu7): to (produce) slander ('word' + 'low; small' + 'to consume'; cf., eme-sig...gu7). to bring an action against someone
(before the court); to claim ('word' + 'to set, fix').
inim-inim-ma: compositions; wisdom ('word' + 'word' + genitive ?).
inim...kí: to seek or find the right
word ('word' + 'to seek, fetch').
inim...ku5(-r): to swear ('word' + 'to cut, curse').
inim-ma...sè(-g)[SUM]: to imagine, conceive an idea ('in a word' + 'to place').
inim-sig-ga: slander ('word' + 'low; small' + nominative).
inim...ár: to search for clarification ('word' + 'to request, implore').
inim-ùd(-da): a word of prayer ('word' + 'to pray' + nominative).
inim-zu: one who knows the (proper) words; learned ('words' + 'to know').
ir-si-im; ir-sim: fragrant aroma, scent ('perfume' + 'to fill up' + 'wind'; no indication of Afroasiatic cognates).
ír: (cf., ér).
is-háb: fool ('organ' + 'foul-smelling').
(i)I-gi4: a
iz-zi[I-ZI]; iz-zi8[
house wall; fire; current, flood ('wood' + 'to rise up';
cf., é-sig4).
izi-gi6-eden-na: shadow ('fire' + 'night' + 'steppe; spine').
izi-lá: torch ('fire' + 'to raise up').
izi...lá: to purify with fire ('fire' + 'to raise up'). to fan the fire ('fire' + reduplicated nir, 'to winnow').
izi...sìg[PA]: to set on fire ('fire' + 'to knock down, demolish').
izi...ub: to hurl fire ('fire' + 'to throw').
izi...te: fire approaches ('fire' + 'to approach').
izi...te-en: to extinguish or calm a fire ('fire' + 'to calm, extinguish').
ízi[KI-IZI]-ur5: coal ('fire-place' + 'liver, soul').
ka-al: clay pit.
ka(-al)-lu5: a vessel, bowl (Akkadian loanword, kalû; Orel & Stolbova #1423, *kalVy-, 'vessel').
ka-a-bar: decision ('mouth' + 'one' + 'to divide'; cf., e-bar). to render a decision. to converse ('mouth' + 'to give').
ka...dù: to accuse (reduplication class) ('mouth' + 'to build, make').
kuka-dù: a leather wrapping for part of the plow.
ka-dù-a, ka-dù-dù: fierce or accusing mouth.
ka-duh-a: with open mouth ('mouth' + 'to crack open' + nominative).
(i)KA-dúb-ba: a field tool (?).
ka-gára-a: catastrophe ('mouth' + 'military encampment' + nominative).
ka-guru7: granary supervisor ('mouth' + 'silo').
ka-ìri: path ('mouth' + 'feet; way, path').
KA...HAR: (cf., zú...ur5).
ka-íd-da: canal intake ('mouth' + 'river' + genitive).
KA-keda: regiment ('mouth; word' + 'to bind').
KA...ké-(d): to organize; to have an agreement; to put together; to become undone, disorganized (with -ta-).
ka ki...zu-zu: to kiss the ground ('mouth' + 'ground' + reduplicated 'to know').
ka-làl: a sweet person ('mouth' + 'honey').
KA×LI...di/e: (cf., gù-nun...di/e).
KA×LI...gi4(-gi4): (cf., sig14..gi4).
ka-lu5: (cf., ka-al-lu5).
KA-nun...di/e: (cf., gù-nun...di/e).
ka...sag9-sag9: to make the mouth pleasant ('mouth' + reduplicated 'good, pleasing').
ka-sìg[PA]: an insulting mouth ('mouth' + 'to strike, knock down'; cf., igi-sìg-sìg).
ka-sù-ga: an empty mouth ('mouth' + 'to be empty' + nominative).
ka-akan: supervisor of the fat stores ('mouth' + 'large oil jar').
KA u...ál: (cf., kiri4
ka-ta-è: utterance ('mouth' + 'from' + 'to go out').
ka-ta...kar: to take away ('mouth' + 'from' + 'to take away').
ka-tab: to be clogged ('mouth' + 'to clasp').
ka-tar: princely; praise; challenger; a type of fungus or rot ('mouth' + 'to decide; to destroy'). to praise ('praise' + sil, 'to praise').
ká-bar-ra: outer door ('gate' + 'outside' + nominative).
KÁ.GAL: (cf., abul).
ká-mè: wings of a temple door ('gate' + 'battle').
káb...dug4: to measure or count commodities for accounting or taxation ('string' ? + 'to do').
(dug)káb-dug4-ga: a measuring jar with a capacity of 20 sìla.
chariot; cart.
kak-ús: goad ('nail' + 'to drive'; cf., bar-úsurudu).
kal-kal; ka-al-ka-al: highly esteemed or valued, precious (reduplicated 'to esteem, value').
kal-la-kal-la: barren, empty ('to be rare').
(munus)kar-kid: prostitute (B. Alster reads munus-kar-ke4) ('marketplace' + 'reed mat').
kar(-ra)...ús: to reach the quay (in a boat) ('quay' + locative + 'to reach, moor to').
kaskal...sig10/sì(-g): to clear a road ('road' + 'to place, put in; to engrave; to make flat, even').
ka-dé-a: banquet, libation, party ('beer' + 'to pour' + nominative).
ka-dé...aka: to put on a banquet ('banquet' + 'to do').
ka-dùg/du10: sweet drink ('beer' + 'sweet, fresh').
ka-gíg: dark beer ('beer' + 'black, dark').
ka-gíg-dùg-ga: good dark beer ('beer' + 'black, dark' + 'sweet, fresh' + nominative).
ka-kal: strong (?) beer ('beer' + 'strong; excellent').
ka-si4: reddish-brown beer ('beer' + 'red-brown').
ka-sig5: good beer ('beer' + 'good, fine quality').
ka-sig15: light beer ('beer' + 'pleasing; valuable'; cf., zíd-sig15).
ka-sur-ra: pressed out beer ('beer' + 'to press; to brew' + nominative).
kà...sur: to urinate ('urine' + 'to expel a liquid').
ka4...dug4/du11/e: to run ('speed' + 'to effect').
ka4-di: adj. or adv., running.
ka4...kar: to run fast ('speed' + 'to escape, run away').
ke-en-ge-ra: (cf., ki-en-gi7(-r)).
ké-de6: a fish measure ('to join, tie' + 'to carry').
ki-a-na: libation place; death offering ('place'
+ 'water' + 'to water').
á): the
place of issuing orders (cf., á-á
'instructions, orders').
): to love (someone:
with dative infix; something: with locative/loc.-terminative infix);
to show affection ('ground' + 'to measure' = the first recorded
euphemism ?, or the result of popular etymology from kam(2),
'to desire'; cf., ki-ná...aka).
ki-á: beloved.
ki-bad-rá: distant places ('places' + 'to be at a distance' + nominative).
ki-bala: rebellious country, rebel land ('place' + 'to revolt').
ki-búr: solution, answer ('place' + 'exposed').
ki...dar: to break the ground ('ground' + 'to split'; cf., ki-in-dar).
ki...de6: to bury ('ground' + 'to bring; to continue').
ki-di-ku5-da/ru: place of judicial decisions ('place' + 'decisions' + 'to cut, decide' + nominative without/with vowel harmony).
ki-dul: secret; obscure point ('place' + 'to cover, hide').
ki-dúr: nest or den for animals (plural, cf., ki-tu) ('place' + 'to dwell (plural)').
ki-duru5: parts of the field where the ground is moist and productive; riverbank; generosity (cf., pi10, pe10; pex[KI.A]) ('ground' + 'moist').
ki-e-ne-di: playing ground; (place of) dancing (also read as eemen) ('place' + 'to play').
ki-è: exit ('place' + 'to go out').
ki-en-gir15/gi7(-r); ki-en-gi(-r): Sumer ('place' + 'lords' + 'noble; native').
ki-gal: big place; great Earth (as opposed to an-gal, 'great Heavens'); foundations ('place' + 'big').
ki-(bi-è)...gi4: to restore (usually with bi-, or with dative prefix) (lit., return [to its] place) ('place' [ + 'its' + 'to' ] + 'to return, restore').
ki-gibil-gibil-lá: constant renewal ('place' + reduplicated 'renewal' + nominative).
ki-gub(-ba): assigned place to stand, station; socle ('place' + 'to stand' + nominative).
ki-gul-la: waif ('ground' + 'to fall upon' + nominative; cf., gul-lum).
ki-ar: grounds; settled place; place where something
is built ('ground' + 'to place'). to found, establish (a building or
town) (often with -ni- or bi-) ('ground' + 'to
place'). to bring success ('place'
+ ár, 'to be many; abundance' + 'to establish').
ki-è to fall/throw upon the
ground ('ground' [ + 'onto' ] + 'to set').
ki-ìri: path ('place' + 'feet; way, path').
i-lá: battlefield
('place' + 'tools' + 'to raise'; cf.,
ki-hul: mourning rites ('ground' + 'to destroy; evil').
ki...hur: to scratch the earth; to paw the ground ('ground' + 'to scratch').
ki-in-dar: hole, crevice ('ground' + 'instance of' + 'to split'; cf., ki-dar).
ki-in-du: the earth ('ground' + 'instance of' + 'to walk').
ki-in-gi4-a: (cf., kin-gi4-a).
ki-inim-ma: place of testimony (cf., lú-ki-inim-ma) ('place' + 'oath' + genitive).
ki-ir-ga: (cf., di-ir-ga).
ki-iz: to trim, to clean (of hair, leaves, or vegetation) (cf., guz).
ki-kal-kal-la: the very precious place ('place' + reduplicated 'to value, esteem' + nominative).
ki-kal-la-kal-la: the barren place = the netherworld ('place' + 'barren, empty').
ki-kalag: hard ground ('ground' + 'strong'; cf., kankal).
ki-kid: a place of reed mats ('place' + 'reed mat').
ki...kí, kin: to seek (with -i-
denoting the object of the search) ('place, ground' + 'to seek,
ki-kúkku: dark place ('place' + 'dark').
ki-lal/lá(-bi): (its) weight, where weight refers to area or volume; excavation, grave; cellar granary, silo; shape, arrangement ('area' + 'to weigh, lift').
(i)ki-lá: water meter.
ki...lá: to heed, pay attention to.
ki-lugal-gub(-ba): royal place ('place' + 'king' + 'to stand').
ki-lul-la: place of murder or violence ('place' + 'malicious act' + genitive).
ki-ma-an-zé-er: a slippery place ('a place where
it slips for me'; cf., ìri...zé-er).
ki-mah: high place; place of honor; grave ('place' + 'exalted').
ki-ná: sleeping quarters; bed, bedding ('place' + 'bed').
ki-ná...aka: to make love ('bed' + 'to do').
ki-nam-nitah: battlefield ('place' + 'manliness').
KI.NE: (cf., dinig and nemur).
ki-ní-te: resting place ('place' + ní...te-en, 'to calm down').
ki-ninda-gu7: place to eat bread ('place' + 'bread' + 'to eat').
ki...ri: to scratch the ground ('ground' + 'to touch ;to gather').
ki-sá-a: socle ('place' + 'to compare with' + nominative).
ki-sá-al-ma-he: syllabic writing for kisal-mah-e, 'in the great courtyard'.
ki-sahar: place of silt deposits ('place' + 'silt').
ki-sì-ga: funerary offering; quarantine hut ('ground' + 'to place, set' + nominative).
itiki-sig-dNin-a-zu: calendar month 4 at Drehem through u-Sin 3; calendar month 5 at Drehem after u-Sin 3; calendar month 5 at Ur during Ur III.
ki-sikil: young woman; virgin ('place' + 'pure'). to kiss the ground; to prostrate oneself ('ground' + locative + 'to suck').
ki-su-ub...aka: to kiss the ground; to make obeisance ('to kiss the ground' + 'to do').
ki-sug8, ki-su7: threshing floor, select fallow land whose surface was conditioned to act as a threshing floor ('land' + 'threshing floor'; cf., kislah).
ki-sum-ma: onion-growing land ('land' + 'onions' + genitive).
ki...sur: to fix the boundary ('place' + 'ditch; to delimit').
ki-ár: horizon; everywhere ('place' + 'totality').
ki-e-er: fence; enclosure; limit ('place' + ár, 'to be many').
ki-úr: snake hole; grave; cavity in the ground ('place' + 'fierce').
ki-ta: below; lower ('ground' + locative with remote deixis).
ki-X-ta: disbursed by X ('from the place of X').
ki...tag: to lay on the ground; to lay the foundation ('ground' + 'to adorn').
ki...tùm: to bury (a dead person) ('ground' + 'to prepare; to bring').
ki-tu: seat; dwelling place (singular, cf., ki-dúr) ('place' + 'to sit, dwell (singular)').
ki-umun2-(m): "place of knowledge" (school); large beer container ('place' + 'idea, knowledge').
KI-UD(-k): desert land ('place' + 'sun; dry').
ki-ùr: territory; living grounds ('place' + 'roofs').
ki-uri: the land of Akkade ('place' + 'protectors ?').
ki...ús: to set on the ground; to touch the ground; to throw to the ground; to establish (often with -ni-) ('ground' + 'to moor, join'). to bow down, submit (reduplication class) ('ground' + 'to make a repetitive motion').
ki-za...bad; ki-za...sù: to make homage far from ('homage' + 'to be at a distance, remote').
ki-za...túmu: to obtain homage; to refuse obeisance ('homage' + 'to obtain').
ki-zàh: a sacred locality ('place' + 'to hide').
ki-zú-ur5-ra: sharp edge ('place' + 'teeth' + 'mill stone; to chew' + nominative).
kí-sa: (cf., gi-sa).
KÍD-alam: sculptor ('to pinch off clay' + 'statue').
kí/kinku6: a fish.
kí...aka: to work; to manufacture ('orders'
+ 'to do').
kí-è...aka: to put to work
('orders' + terminative + 'to do').
kí-dù-a: construction work ('tasks'
+ 'to build, erect' + nominative).
kí-dúb-ba: hammering work ('tasks'
+ 'to strike, hammer' + nominative).
á: to work ('orders'
+ 'to make, deliver').
kí-gi4-a: messenger,
envoy; message ('messages' + 'to return' + 'the one who').
itikí-dInanna: calendar month
6 at Nippur during Ur III.
kí-sahar: earth-moving work ('tasks'
+ 'earth, silt').
-se11/12(-g): evening
meal; time of the evening meal; evening; cool of the evening ('tasks'
+ 'late').
kí-sig-gin7: during
the evening ('evening' + 'during').
kí...ti: to assign work ('orders' + 'to
keep alive').
]...til: to finish
one's work ('orders' + 'to keep alive').
kin: (cf., kí).
na4kín-an-na: upper millstone ('millstone' + 'to be high' + nominative).
kìri[KA]-zal: prosperity, splendor; splendid, wonderful ('nose' + 'to shine').
kìri/kir4[KA]-dib/dab: groom (for leading donkeys and horses and as a title of a court official) ('nose' + 'to catch, hold').
kiri4-u-dù: supplication(s) ('nose' + 'hand' + 'to fasten, apply').
kiri4 u...ál:
to pay homage to, to greet (dative) ('nose' + 'hand' + 'to
place on').
kiri4...te-en: to sneeze ('nose' + 'cold').
kiri4...ur5: to sniff at; to sneer at ('nose' + 'to smell').
kiri4-zal: joy, prosperity ('dam in a stream' + 'to be full, abundant').
kiri6...dù: to lay out a garden ('garden' + 'to set up; to plant').
kisal-mah: main courtyard ('courtyard' + 'foremost').
ki-nu-ál: brightly lit ('the city
of Kish' + 'lamps' + 'to have').
kiib-ál: seal-keeper ('seal' +
'to have').
kiib...ra(-ra): to seal; to subpoena ('seal' + 'to roll, impress').
kú: (cf., gu7).
KU-KU: ancestors (?) ('to found; to lie down').
ku-dun...dug4: to profit ('solid base' + 'to heap, pile up' + 'to speak, do').
dugku-kur-dù: a jar ('solid base' + 'mountain' + 'to mould, make').
ku-li: friend; a standard size clay beer pot in range 0.5 - 1.2 liters ('solid base' + 'true measure').
ku-li-an-na: friend of heaven; dragonfly ('friend' + 'sky' + genitive).
ku-mul: cumin (Elamite ? loanword).
ku-nu: to approach; to be near.
kù-babbar: silver ('noble metal' + 'white').
kù-dam-taka4: divorce settlement ('silver' + 'spouse' + 'to leave with a person').
kù-dím: goldsmith, silversmith, metal worker ('noble metal' + 'to fashion').
kù-du8: ransom money (for a slave) ('silver' + 'to untie').
kù-ál: inspector ('silver' + 'to
kù-im-ba(-a...ku4): to lose money ('silver' + 'loss' ( + plural marker + 'to enter, turn into').
kù...lá: to settle an account ('silver' + 'to weigh').
kù-luh-ha: refined silver ('noble metal, silver' + 'to clean' + nominative).
kù-sig17: gold ('noble metal' + 'yellow').
kù-tuku: one who has silver ('silver' + 'to have').
kù-zu: expert, erudite, clever; wisdom ('bright' + 'to know').
kù-zu-nì-nam-ma: the all wise ('expert'
+ ní-na-me, 'anything' + genitive).
ku6-a-dé: fresh fish ('fish' + 'water' + 'to pour, water').
ku6-ab-baku6: sea fish ('fish' + 'sea' + genitive).
ku6-banur-ra: fish for the (offering) table ('fish' + 'table' + genitive).
ku6-dar-ra: dried fish ('fish' + 'to slice' + nominative).
ku6-engur(-ra-k): fish of the marshes ('fish' + 'fresh waters' + genitive).
ku6-íl: fish delivery ('fish' + 'to carry').
kud-kud-rá: a lame person (reduplicated 'to cut off' + nominative).
kug: (cf., kù).
kun-kà to bubble (see the definition for za).
kun-sa: staircase of the sanctuary ('tail; staircase'
+ 'head, chief').
kun-su3/13(-su3/13): long-tailed ('tail' + 'to stretch; to wag a tail; to be long').
kun-zi(-da): weir ('canal reservoir' + 'to strengthen').
ku6kun-zi(-da): fish-pond fish.
kur-(i)erin-na: mountain of cedar
trees ('mountain' + 'cedar' + genitive).
kur-gal: great mountain - a metaphor for temples and for Sumer as a place where earth and sky meet ('mountain' + 'big').
kur-gi4muen: goose, geese ('mountains' + 'to return').
kur-ra diri-ga: supreme over the lands ('lands' + locative + 'to be supreme' + nominative).
kur-sig: deep mountain ('mountain' + 'low').
kúr...di: to speak hostile words ('hostile' + 'to speak').
kur7...aka: to inspect ('to watch; lookout' + 'to do').
kur7-aka: inspection record.
ku...dù: to treat or dress skin ('leather' + 'to raise up, make').
ku-dù: treated or flayed skin.
ku-dù-dù: leather-dresser.
ku-lá: leather cord ('leather' + 'to hang; strap').
ku-na: leather water pail or hose ('leather'
+ 'to drink').
kù-numun: in the Akkad period, a length
measure equal to 2 cubits, 2 I-BAD, = 1
ku7...sud/sù/su: to level; to devastate ('devastation' + 'to immerse').
kuu/kuumx(-ki)...tag: to crawl; to sneak away; to run ('herd' ( + ground) + 'to touch').
Copyright © 1996-1999 John Alan Halloran, Los Angeles, California. All Rights Reserved.
Last modified on August 11, 1999.