aba, ab: lake; sea [AB archaic frequency: 384; concatenates 2 sign variants].
abba: (cf., ab-ba).
ubi(ku6): a marine and fluvial fish [UBI archaic frequency: 7; concatenates 2 signs].
ubu [A]: area measure, = 1/2 of an iku (= 50 sar).
ada, ad: n., father; shout; song [AD archaic frequency: 36; concatenates 3 sign variants].
v., to balk.
adda(2), ad3,6: carcass, corpse; skeleton [ADDA archaic frequency: 4].
adda4, ád: to dispatch, send; to drive away; shrub, thornbush [? KIIK archaic frequency: 21; concatenates 3 sign variants].
ída, íd, i7: river; main canal; watercourse (éd,'to issue', + a,'water').
udu: sheep; small cattle; ram, wether [UDU archaic frequency: 452; concatenates 2 signs].
aga(3): diadem, circlet, crown (of legitimate kingship); turban [TUN3 archaic frequency: 96; concatenates 3 sign variants].
uga(muen): raven.
egi(2): (cf., egir2/3).
égi: (cf., ègir).
igi: n., eye(s); glance; face; aspect, looks; front (reduplicated ig, 'door') [IGI archaic frequency: 21].
v., to see.
prep., before, in front of.
igi: reciprocal of a number (= the multiplier that will give 60; the igi of 5 is 0;12) (abbreviation of igi-ál, 'that which is opposite').
ugu[U.GÙ]: n., skull; top of the head; top side; upper part; voice (cf., ùgun, ugu(4)) (ù,'after it', + gú,'neck').
pron., him, her, them, this one.
prep., upon, over, on top; after; comparative enhancer of adjectives.
úgu[A.KA]: debits part of account tablet.
ugu4[KU]: to bear, procreate, produce (cf., ugu4-bi).
áa, á, áka, ám: to measure out, mete; to measure (area, length, time, capacity); to check.
ùa, ù, ùku, un(-á): people; population; crowd.
áhi, ah5, á: arm; wing; horn; side; strength; work performance; wages; moment. [A2 archaic frequency: 3]
aka, ak, ag, a5: to do, act; to place; to make into (something) (with -si-) [AK archaic frequency: 149; concatenates 2 sign variants].
àka: fleece.
iku: a surface measure of 3600 meters2 = 100 sar = 1 square 'rope' = 1/18 bùr (plural Akk. form of ég, ék, 'levee').
uku2,5: (cf., ukur3,4).
ùku: (cf., ùa).
íla, íli, íl: n., carrier.
v., to lift, carry; to deliver; to bring; to endure; to support; to carry forward (in accounting); to be high; to shine (íl-i in marû).
ili5: to rise, get up.
illu: high water, flood; (amniotic) fluid; resin.
ùlu: (cf., u18).
úllu[KIB], ùl: leash; reins [KIB archaic frequency: 7].
ama: mother [AMA archaic frequency: 241; concatenates 2 sign variants].
áma, am: wild ox or cow (aurochs).
ama(4,5), áme: women's quarters; living room.
eme: tongue; speech; plow's share.
(i)eme: a utensil.
emma: (cf., enmen).
émma: (cf., énmen).
éme: (cf., ummeda(2)).
eme3,5,6: she-ass, jenny.
imi, im, em: clay, loam, mud; tablet [IM archaic frequency: 67; concatenation of 2 sign variants].
imi, im, em: wind; direction; weather; storm; cloud; rain (cf., tumu).
umu, um: old woman; nurse; wise or skillful teacher.
ùmmu: (cf., ummud).
únu: (cf., únug).
ùnu(-d): feast; chief cowherd.
unu6: (cf., ùnug).
ára, ár[UB]: n., praise, glory.
v., to praise, glorify.
ara3,5: (cf., hara).
ara4; ar; rà: v., to shine; to blaze.
adj., bright; clear; polished.
iri: (cf., uru).
uri(2): Akkadian (cf., kínda) [URI archaic frequency: 35; URI2 archaic frequency: 1].
ùri[E]: (cf., urin).
uri2,5: (cf., urim2,5).
uru(2)(ki), iri, rí; iri11: city, town, village, district [URU archaic frequency: 101; concatenation of 5 sign variants; UNUG archaic frequency: 206; concatenates 3 sign variants].
uru2,5,18: n., devastating flood; thunderstorm.
adj., high, deep.
ùru(-m)[E]: n., watch fire; light; glowing, luminous object.
v., to watch, guard; to protect.
uru4[APIN], ur11(-ru): to plow, till, cultivate.
uru9: stanchion, support.
uru12: same meaning as ur(2,3,4) with the marû aspect-e suffix and vowel harmony.
uru16(-n): valiant; strong, mighty; clever.
asa, as, az: cage; fetter; bear; myrtle [AZ archaic frequency: 13].
esi: (cf., (na4)esig).
isi: pit; clay pit.
usu: skill; strength.
ussu(2,3): eight (ía, 'five', + e5, 'three').
aa5: (cf., aag).
ea, ee4: emmer wheat flour.
éa: to be satiated, full.
ée, é[È]: rope; measuring tape/cord; length measure, rope = 10 nindan rods = 20 reeds = 120 cubits = the side of 1 square iku in area = 1,0,0 [602] fingers; a surface area measure, = 6 iku; leash (can be an adverbial suffix like e) (e, 'much', + e, 'much') [E3 archaic frequency: 152].
èe: a surface measure = 2.16 hectares or 6 iku.
ii: mountain [I archaic frequency: 88; concatenates 3 sign variants].
eu: ear of barley or other grain.
uu: a crop-devouring insect.
ùu: thirty (e5,'three', + hà/u,'ten').
itu, iti: (cf., itud).
iti6[UD.dNANNA]: moonlight.
dutu: the sun as a god (cf., ud).
útu: a dish prepared with milk.
azu, úzu, zu5: doctor (cf., a-zu) [AZU archaic frequency: 7].
izi[NE]: fire (cf., iz-zi) [NE archaic frequency: 303; concatenation of 4 sign variants].
uzu: flesh; cut of meat; omen (ùz, 'goat', + zé, 'to cut').
uzu5: evening, sunset.
Copyright © 1996-1999 John Alan Halloran, Los Angeles, California. All Rights Reserved.
Last modified on August 9, 1999.