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AY 3040 The Formation of Early States in the Near East (4,000-2,000BC)




Amongst the more useful journals that are worth looking through are:
Journal of Near Eastern Studies (NB filed under A)#
Journal of the American Oriental Society#
Journal of Cuneiform Studies#
Acta Sumerologica#
Archiv für Orientforschung
Bibliotheca Orientalis#
Zeitschrift für Assyriologie#
# These are filed as Near Eastern Studies periodicals

General Publications

Cambridge Ancient History. 1970, 3rd revised edition Cambridge University Press.
Adams, R. McC., 1966. The Evolution of Urban Society: early Mesopotamia and pre-Hispanic Mexico. Chicago.
Aurenche, O.; Evin, J., and Hours, F., 1987, Editors. Chronologies du Proche Orient: Chronologies of the Near East. Oxford. BAR International Series 379.
*Black, J. and Green, A, 1992, Gods, Demons and Symbols of Ancient Mesopotamia. London: British Museum Press.
*Bottéro, J., 1992, Mesopotamia : writing, reasoning and the gods. Chicago: University of Chicago Press
Bottero, J.; Cassin, E., and Vercoutter, J., 1967. The Near East: the early civilizations. London.
Braidwood, R. J. and Willey, G, 1962, ed. Courses toward Urban Life. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Burney, C. A., 1977. From Village to Empire. Oxford.
Carter, E. & Stopler M. W., 1984. Elam: Surveys of Political History and Archaeology. University of California Press.
Childe, V. G., 1950. ëThe urban revolution.í, Town Planning Review  21: 3-17. Reprinted in Sabloff & Lamberg-Karlo.
Childe, V. G., 1952. New Light on the Most Ancient East. Routledge & Kegan Paul, London.
*Crawford, H., 1991. Sumer and the Sumerians.
Dalley, S. M., 1984. Mari and Karana: Two Old Babylonian cities. London.
*Dalley, S., 1991. Myths from Mesopotamia. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Davis, K., 1973, Editor. Cities: their origin, growth and human impact. San Francisco: Freeman (Readings from Scientific American.
Diakonoff, I. M., Editor. 1969, Ancient Mesopotamia: A Socio-Economic History. Moscow: Nauka.
Ehrich, R. W., 1965, Chronologies in Old World Archaeology.
Finkbeiner, U. and Rollig, W. eds., 1986, Jamdet Nasr: Period or Regional Style, Beiheft zum Tubinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients B62..
Forest, J. D., 1999, Les Premiers Temples de Mésopotamie. Oxford: BAR (International Series 65.
Forest, J.-D., 1996. Mesopotamie: LíApparition de líEtat.
Frankfort H.; Frankfort, H. A.; Wilson, J. A., and Jacobsen, T., 1946. The Intellectual Adventure of Ancient Man. New York. (= Before Philosophy).
Frankfort, H., 1948. Kingship and the Gods. Chicago.
Fried, M. H., 1960. On the evolution of social stratification and the state.
Fried, M. H., 1967. The Evolution of Political Society. Random House, New York.
Friedman, J. and Rowlands, M. J., 1978. The Evolution of Social Systems. London.
Garelli, P., 1974. Le Palais et la Royauté: archéologie et civilization. Paris.
Gledhill, J.; Bender, B., and Larsen, M. T., 1988. State and Society. London: Routledge.
Hallo, W. W. and Simpson, W. K., 1971. The Ancient Near East; a history. New York.
Jacobsen, T., 1970. Towards the Image of Tammuz. (ed. W. L. Moran) Cambridge, Mass.
Jacobsen, T., 1976. The Treasures of Darkness: a history of Mesopotamian religion. Yale Univ Press.
Knapp, A. B., 1988. The History and Culture of Ancient Western Asia and Egypt. Dorsey, Chicago.
Kramer, S. N., 1963. The Sumerians. Chicago.
Kuhrt, A., 1995. The Ancient Near East, c.3000-330 BC. London: Routledge.
Kuklick, B., 1996, Puritans in Babylon: the Ancient Near East and American Intellectual Life, 1880-1930. Princeton: Princeton University Press
Levine, L. D. & Young T. C. Eds., 1977. Mountains and Lowlands. (= Bibliotheca Mesopotamica 7) Los Angeles.
Liverani, M., 1993, Akkad: the First World Empire. Padua: Sargon.
Lloyd, S, 1980. Foundations in the Dust. London: rev enlarged illus ed.
Lloyd, S., 1978. The Archaeology of Mesopotamia.
Lupton, A., 1996, Stability and Change: Socio-Political Development in North Mesopotamia, BAR International Series 627. BAR.
Maisels, C. K., 1989. The Emergence of Civilisation, from Hunting and Gathering to Agriculture, Cities and the State in the Near East. London & New York: Routledge.
Maisels, C. K., 1993. The Near East: Archaeology in the ëCradle of Civilisationí. London: Routledge.
Manzanilla, L. Ed, 1987. Studies in the Neolithic and Urban Revolutions; The V. Gordon Childe Colloquium, Mexico, 1986. BAR International Series 349, Oxford.
Manzanilla, L., 1996. Emergence and Change in Early Urban Societies. Plenum Press.
*Mieroop, M. van de, 1999, Cuneiform Texts and the Writing of History. London: Routledge.
Mieroop, M. van de, 1999, The ancient Mesopotamian city. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Moorey, P. R. S., 1979, Editor. Origins of Civilization. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Moorey, P. R. S., 1985, Materials and Manufacture in Ancient Mesopotamia: The evidence of Archaeology and Architecture. Oxford: BAR(BAR International Series ; v. 237).
Moorey, P. R. S., 1994, Ancient Mesopotamian Materials and Industries: the Archaeological Evidence. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
*Nemet-Nejat, K. R., 1998, Daily Life in Ancient Mesopotamia. Westport, Cennecticut: Greenwood Press
*Nissen, H. J., 1988. The Early History of the Ancient Near East 9000 - 2000 BC. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Oppenheim, A. L., 1964. Ancient Mesopotamia, portrait of a dead civilization. Chicago.
Parrot, A., 1963. Sumer. London.
Pollock, S., 1992. ëBureaucrats and Managers, Peasants and Pastoralists, Imperialists and Traders: Research on the Uruk and Jemdet Nasr Periods in Mesopotamiaí, Journal of World Prehistory  6: 297-336.
*Pollock, S., 1999, Ancient Mesopotamia: The Eden that Never Was. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
*Postgate, J. H., 1992. Early Mesopotamia: Society and Economy at the Dawn of History. London: Routledge.
Postgate, J. N., 1977. The First Empires. Oxford.
Potts, D. T., 1997, Mesopotamian Civilization: The Material Foundations. London: Athlone Press
Roaf, M., 1990. Cultural Atlas of Mesopotamia and the Ancient Near East. Oxford: Equinox.
*Roux, G., 1964. Ancient Iraq. Harmondsworth, London.
Sabloff, J. and Lamberg-Karlovsky, C. C., 1974, Editors. The Rise and Fall of Civilizations: selected readings. Cummings, Menlo Park, Calif.
Service, E., 1962. Primitive social organization: an evolutionary perspective. New York.
Silver, M., 1985. Economic Structures of the Ancient Near East. Beckenham: Croon Helm.
Weiss, H. ed, 1986. The Origins of Cities in Dry-Farming Syria and Mesopotamia in the Third-Millennium BC. Connecticut: Four Quarters Publishing.
Wright, H. T., 1984. Prestate Political Formations. Sanders, W. Wright H. T. & Adams R. Mc. Malibu: Undena Press.

Specific Syntheses

Algaze, G., 1989. ëThe Uruk expansion: cross-cultural exchange in early Mesopotamian civilizationí, Current Anthropology 30: 571-608.
Algaze, G., 1993. The Uruk World System. The Dynamics of Expansion of Early Mesopotamian Civilization. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Beale, T. W., 1978. ëBevelled Rim Bowls and their implications for change and economic organization in the later fourth millenniumí, JNES 37.
Bermant, C. and Weitzman, M., 1978. Ebla : Archaeological Enigma. London: Weidenfeld & Nicholson.
Brinkman, J., 1984, ëSettlement survey and documentary evidence: regional variation and secular trend in Mesopotamian demographyí, Journal of Near Eastern Studies 43: 169-180.
Buccellati, G., 1990, ëSalt at the dawn of history: the case of the bevelled-rim bowlsí, Matthiae, P.; van Loon, M., and Weiss, H., Editors. Resurrecting the Past: a Joint Tribute to Adnan Bounni. Leiden: Nederlands Instituut vor het Nabije Oosten; pp. 17-40.
Charles, M., 1988, ëIrrigation in lowland Mesopotamiaí.  Irrigation and Cultivation in Mesopotamia. Cambridge; pp. 1-39.
Crawford, H. E. W., 1973. ëMesopotamiaís invisible exports in the third millenniumí, World Archaeology 5: 232-241.
Crawford H., 1998, Dilmun and its Gulf neighbours. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Dercksen, J. G., 1999, Trade and finance in ancient Mesopotamia. Leiden: Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten
During Caspers, E. C. L., 1979. ëSumer, coastal Arabia and the Indus Valley in the Proto-literate and Early Dynastic eras.íí, J of Econ and Soc Hist of the Orient  22, 2 (1979): 121-35.
Edens, C., 1992, ëDynamics of trade in the ancient Mesopotamian ìworld systemîë, American Anthropologist 94: 118-139.
Ellis, M.-D., 1983, ëCorrelation of archaeological and written evidence for the study of Mesopotamian institutions and chronologyí, American Journal of Archaeology 87: 497-507.
Emberling, G., 1997. ëEthnicity in complex societies: archaeological perspectivesí, Journal of Archaeological Research 5(4): 295-344.
Falconer, S. E. and Savage, S. H., 1995. ëHeartlands and Hinterlands: alternative trajectories of early urbanization in Mesopotamia and the south Levantí, American Antiquity  60/1.
Flannery, K. V., 1972. ëThe cultural evolution of civilisationsí, Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics  3: 399-426.
Gibson, McGuire and Biggs, R. D., 1991. The Organization of Power. Aspects of Bureaucracy in the Ancient Near East. 2nd ed.  Chicago: Oriental Institute.
Helbaek, H., 1960. ëEcological effect of irrigation in Ancient Mesopotamiaí, Iraq  42: 186-196.
Henrickson, E., 1981, ëNon-religious settlement patterning in the late Early Dynastic of the Diyala regioní, Mesopotamia 16: 43-140.
Henrickson, E., 1982, ëFunctional analysis of elite residences in the late Early Dynastic of the Diyala regioní, Mesopotamia  17: 5-33.
Joffe, Alexander H., 1998, ëAlcohol and social complexity in Ancient Western Asiaí, Current Anthropology 39(1): 297-322.
Katz, S. H. and Maytag, F., 1991, ëBrewing an ancient beerí, Archaeology 44(July/August): 24-33.
Kohl, P. L., 1978. ëThe balance of trade in southwestern Asia in the mid-third millenniumí, Current Anthropology 19.
Lamberg-Karlovsky, C. C., 1972. ëTrade mechanisms in Indus-Mesopotamian interrealationsí, Journal of the American Oriental Society 92(2): 222-230.
Mallowan, M. E. L., 1965. ëNoahís Flood Reconsidered.í,  Iraq  27 (1965):62-82.
Matthiae, P., 1977. ëTell Mardikh: the archives and palace.í, Archaeology  30 (1977):244-53.
Matthiae, P., 1980. Ebla: an Empire Rediscovered. English edition of Italian 1977 publication.
McCorriston, Joy, 1997. ëThe fiber revolution. Textile extensification, alienation, and social stratification in ancient Mesopotamiaí, Current Anthropology 38(4): 517-549.
Millard, A., 1988. ëThe bevelled rim bowls: their purpose and significanceí, Iraq 50: 49-57.
Moorey, P. R. S., 1977. ëWhat do we know about the people buried in the Royal Cemetery?í, Expedition 20: 24-40.
Pollock, S., 1991, ëOf priest, princes, and poor relations: the dead in the Royal Cemetery of Urí, Cambridge Archaeological Journal 1: 171-189.
Potts, D., 1983. Dilmun: new studies in the archaeology and early history of Bahrain. Berlin: D. Reiner Verlag.
Potts, T. F., 1993, ëPatterns of trade in third-millennium BC Mesopotamia and Iraní, World Archaeology 24: 379-402.
Potts, Timothy, 1994, Mesopotamia and the East: An Archaeological and Historical Study of Foreign Relations 3400-2000BC. Oxford: Oxford University Committee for Archaeology
Raikes, R. L., 1966. ëThe Physical Evidence for Noahís Flood.í, Iraq  28 (1966):52-63.
Rowton, M. B., 1973. ëUrban autonomy in a nomadic environmentí, Journal of Near Eastern Studies 32: 201-215.
Sabloff, J. A. and Lamberg-Karlovsky, C. C., 1975. Ancient Civilisation and Trade. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press.
Schwartz, G. M. and Falconer, S. E., 1994. Archaeological Views from the Countryside. Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press.
Speiser, E. A., 1930, Mesopotamian Origins.
Stein, G., 1999, Rethinking World-Systems: Diaspora, Colonies, and Interaction in Uruk Mesopotamia. Tucson: University of Arizona Press.
Stone, E., 1987. Nippur Neighbourhoods. Chicago: Oriental Institute.
Tainter, 1987. The Collapse of Complex Societies.
Weiss, H. et al., 1993. ëThe genesis and collapse of third millennium North Mesopotamian civilisationí, Science 261: 995-1004.
Weiss, H., 1978. ëEarly Irrigation Agricultureí, Science  200: 1377-1378.
Woolley, C. L. & Moorey P. R. S., 1982. Ur of the Chaldees. London: Herbert Press.
Wright, H. T. & Johnson G. A., 1975. ëPopulation, exchange, and early state formation in southwestern Iraní, American Antiquity 77: 267-289.
Wright, H. T. & Johnson G. A., 1985. ëRegional prespectives on southwestern Iranian state developmentí, Paléorient 11: 25-30.
Wright, H. T. and Pollock, S., 1987, ëRegional Socio-Economic Organization in Southern Mesopotamia: the Middle and later 4th Millenium B.C.í, Huot, J.-L., editor. Préhistoire de la Mésopotamie. Paris: Centre de la Recherche Scientific; pp. 317-329.
Wright, H. T.; Miller, N., and Redding, R., 1980, ëTime and precess in an Uruk rural centerí, Barrelet, M.-T., Editor. LíArchéologie de líIraq du Début de líEpoque Néolithique à 333 avant notre Ere. Paris: CNRS; pp. 265-284.
Wright, Rita, 1996, ëTechnology, gender, and class: worlds of difference in Ur III Mesopotamiaí, Wright, Rita, Editor. Gender and Archaeology. Philidelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press; pp. 79-110.
Yoffee, N., 1996. ëThe decline and rise of Mesopotamian Civilisation: an ethnoarchaeological perspective on the evolution of social complexityí, American Antiquity 1979: 5-35.
Yoffee, Norman and Cowgil, George L., 1988. The Collapse of Ancient States and Civilisations. Arizona: Arizona University Press.
Zagarell, A., 1986, ëTrade, women, class, and society in ancient Western Asiaí, Current Anthropology 27: 415-430.
Zeder, Melinda, 1991. Feeding Cities. Specialized Animal Economy in the Ancient Middle East. Smithsonian Institution Press: Washington.
Zettler, R., 1992. The Ur III Temple of Inanna at Nipper. Reimer.
Zettler, Richard L., 1996, ëGordon Childe and the socioeconomic position of craft specialists in Early Mesopotamiaí, Waites, B., Editor. Craft Specialization and Social Evolution: In Memory of V. Gordon Childe. Philadephia: University Museum; pp. 17-23.

Archaeological Data

Adams, R. McC. and Nissen, H. J., 1972. The Uruk Countryside: The Natural Setting of Urban Societies. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Adams, R. McC., 1965. Land Behind Baghdad: A History of Settlement on the Diyala Plain. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Adams, R. McC., 1981. Heartland of Cities. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Badler, Virginia Renke; McGovern, Patrick E., and Glusker, Donald L., 1996. ëChemical evidenmce for a wine residue from Warka (Uruk) inside a Late Uruk spouted jarí, Baghdader Mitteilungen 27: 39-43.
Crawford, H.; Killick, R., and Moon, J., 1997, The Dilmun Temple at Saar:Bahrain and its archaeological inheritance. London: Kegan Paul
Crawford, Harriet, 1997. ëThe site of Saar: Dilmun reconsideredí, Antiquity 71: 701-708.
Curtis, J., 1986, ëA basalt sculpture found at Warkaí, Baghdader Mitteilungen 17: 131-134.
Delougaz, P. and Lloyd, S. Pre-Sargonid Temples in the Diyala Region. Chicago: Chicago University Press(Oriental Institute Publications 58.
Forest, J.-D., 1983a. Les Pratiques Funeraires en Mesopotamie du Cinquieme Millenaire au Debut du Troisieme. Paris: Editions Recherche sur Civilisations.
Frangipane, M., 1997. ëA 4th millennium temple/palace complex at Arslantepe-Malatya. North-south relations and the formation of early state societies in the northern regions of Greater Mesopotamiaí, Paléorient 23(1): 45-73.
Gibson, McGuire and McMahon, Augusta, 1995. ëInvestigation of the Early Dynastic-Akkadian transition: report of the 18th and 19th season of excavation in Area WFí, Iraq 57: 1-39.
Gibson, McGuire and McMahon, Augusta, 1997. ëThe Early Dynastic-Akkadian transition Part 2. The authors responseí, Iraq 59: 9-14.
Hole, F., 1987, Editor. Archaeological Perspectives on Western Iran. Washington: The Smithsonian Institution Press.
Johnson, G. A., 1973. Local Exchange and Early State Development in Southwestern Iran. University of Michigan, Anthropological Papers 51, Ann Arbor.
Johnson, G. A., 1980, ëSpatial organization of Early Uruk settlement systemsí, Barrelet, M.-T., Editor. LíArchéologie de líIraq du Début de líEpoque Néolithique à 333 avant notre Ere. Paris: CNRS; pp. 233-264.
Kerr, R. A., 1998, ëSea-floor dust shows drought felled Akkadian Empireí, Science 279(Jan 16): 325--326.
Killeck, R., Editor. 1985, Tell Rubeidheh: an Uruk Village in the Jebel Hamrin. Warminster: Aries & Phillips.
Lamberg-Karlovsky, C. C. and Beale, T. W., 1986, (Eds). ëExcavations at Tepe Yahya - The Early Periods Peabody Museum of Achaeology & Ethnology, Cambridge Massí, American School of Prehistoric Research Bulletin  38.
Lamberg-Karlovsky, C. C., 1971. An early city in Iran. Reprinted in Lamberg-Karlovsky (ed.), Hunters, Farmers & Civs.
Martin, H., 1982. ëThe Early Dynastic Cemetery at Al-íUbaidí, Iraq 44: 145-185.
Matthews, R., 1992, ëDefining the style of the period: Jemdet Nasrí, Iraq 54: 1-34.
Matthews, R., 1992. ëJemdet Nasr: the site and the periodí, Biblical Archaeologist 55(4): 196-205.
Moorey, P. R. S., 1970. ëCemetry A at Kish: grave groups and chronologyí, Iraq 32: 86-128.
Moorey, P. R. S., 1978. Kish Excavations 1923-1933.
Pollock, S., 1985. ëChronology of the Royal Cemetery of Urí, Iraq 47: 129-158.
Pollock, S.; Pope, M., and Coursey, C., 1996. ëHousehold Production at the Uruk Mound, Abu Salabikh, Iraqí, American Journal of Archaeology 100: 683-698.
Postgate, J. N., 1994, ëHow many Sumerians per hectare - probing the anatomy of and early cityí, Cambridge Archaeological Journal 4: 47-65.
Stein, G & Misir A., 1994. ëMesopotamian-Anatolian Interaction at Hacinebi, Turkey: preliminary report on the 1992 excavationsí, Anatolica 20: 145-189.
Stein, G. et al, 1996. ëHacinebi, Turkey: Preliminary report on the 1995 excavationsí, Anatolica 22: 85-128.
Stein, G. J.; Bernbeck, R.; Coursey, C.; McMahon, A.; Miller, N. F.; Misir, A.; Nicola, J.; Pittman, H., and Pollock, S., 1996, ëUruk Colonies and Anatolian communities: An interim report on the 1992-1993 excavations at Hacinebi, Turkeyí, American Journal of Archaeology  100: 205-260.
Strommenger, E., 1980. ëThe chronological division of the archaic levels of Uruk-Warkaí, American Journal of Archaeology 84.
Weiss, H., 1983. ëExcavations at Tell Leilan and the origins of North Mesopotamian cities in the third millennium BCí, Paléorient  9/2: 39-52.
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Woolley, C. L., 1934. Ur Excavations, Volume II: The Royal Cemetery. London: 2 vols.

Textual Material

Cooper, J. S., 1983, The Curse of Agade. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press.
Cooper, J. S., 1986. Presargonic Inscriptions. New Haven: American Oriental Society.
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Cuneiform Archives and Libraries. Leiden: Nederlands Historisch-Archaeolog.
Englund, R. K., 1991, ëHard work - where will it get you? Labor management in Ur IIIí, Journal of Near Eastern Studies 50: 255-280.
Evers, J. D., 1995, Myth and Narrative: Structure and Meaning in some Ancient Near Eastern Texts. Kevelaer: Butzon & Bercker
Foster, B. R., 1977. ëCommercial activity in Sargonic Mesopotamiaí, Iraq  39: 31-44.
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Foster, B. R., 1982, ëEthnicity and onomastics in Sargonis Mesopotamiaí, Orientalia 51: 297-354.
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Steinkeller, P., 1997, ëThe Organization of Crafts in Third Millennium Babylonia: The Case of Pottersí, Mitteilungen Der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft 129: 232-253.
Steinkeller, P., 1999, ëOn rulers, priests and sacred marriage: Tracing the evolution of early Sumerian kingshipí, Watanabe, K., Editor. Priests and officials in the Ancient Near East. Heidelberg: Universitatsverlag C. Winter; pp. 103-137.
Tinney, S., 1995, ëA New Look at Naram-Sin and the ìGreat Rebellionîë, Journal of Cuneiform Studies 47: 1-14.
Vallat, F., 1986. ëThe most ancient scripts of Iran: the current situation.í, World Archaeolopgy  17(3): 335-47.
Walker, C. B. F., 1990. Cuneiform.
Wall Roman, C., 1990, ëAn areal location of Agadeí, Journal of Near Eastern Studies 49: 205-245.
Westenholz, J. G., 1990, ëTowards a new conceptulization of the female role in Mesopotamian societyí, Journal of the American Oriental Society 110: 510-512.
Wohlstei, H., 1976, The Sky-God, An-Anu. P.A. Strook: Jericho, New York
Yoffee, N., 1995, ëPolitical economy in early Mesopotamian statesí, Annual Review of Anthropology 8: 161-205.
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Art and Seals

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