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Announcing the availability of the published Sumerian Lexicon with 6,400 Sumerian-English entries and a bibliography of 96 sources. This book took a huge effort to perfect and publish - it tries to synthesize and encapsulate the lexical knowledge of the world's top Sumerologists while at the same time reflecting the latest understanding of Sumerian word forms. Sumerian Lexicon: A Dictionary Guide to the Ancient Sumerian Language, by John Alan Halloran, Logogram Publishing, Los Angeles 2006, 336 pages, 9 inches by 6 inches, paperback with glossy cover $89 (ISBN-13: 978-0-9786429-0-7, ISBN-10: 0-9786429-0-2) or hardcover library binding $110 (ISBN-13: 978-0-9786429-1-4, ISBN-10: 0-9786429-1-0).

Not only is this Sumerian Lexicon the most complete available dictionary of ancient Sumerian vocabulary, with a wide range of actually used meanings in the definitions, but it aids the reader of texts with extensive coverage of Sumerian's grammatical particles.

There is a new version 3 of John L. Hayes, A Manual of Sumerian Grammar and Texts, Third Revised and Expanded Edition, Malibu 2018, 579 pages. Hayes introduces beginning students to the Sumerian language and cuneiform writing in the form of 30 lessons. Each of the lessons introduces new vocabulary, parts of speech, and additional cuneiform signs in the way that the Sumerians wrote them (as opposed to their later Assyrian form). The text for version 3 has been completely revised, and new reading selections added. These include several inscriptions of Gudea, and passages from three major Sumerian literary texts. The appendices discuss the sign lists and other resources that are available to Sumerologists.

The Sumerian Language book, by Marie-Louise Thomsen is out of print. This is a well-organized grammar of the language. My Sumerian Lexicon book includes in its alphabetical organization all of the verbal prefix combinations that Thomsen documents in her grammar book, with references to the ThSLa section numbers.


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Sumerian Lexicon: A Dictionary Guide to the Ancient Sumerian Language, by Halloran - paperbound book - $89.00
Weight for postage: 24 ounces (.68 kg.).

Sumerian Lexicon: A Dictionary Guide to the Ancient Sumerian Language, by Halloran - hardcover book- sold out - $XXX
Weight for postage: 28 ounces (.79 kg.).

The Sumerian Language, Expanded 3rd Edition, by Thomsen - softcover book - $XXXX
Weight for postage: 28 ounces (.79 kg.).

A Manual of Sumerian Grammar and Texts, 3rd Revised & Expanded Edition, by Hayes - paperbound book - $60.00
Weight for postage: 60 ounces (1.70 kg.).

A Manual of Sumerian Grammar and Texts, 3rd Revised & Expanded Edition, by Hayes - hardcover book - $75.00
Weight for postage: 66 ounces (1.87 kg.).

Effective January 2021 there are reduced international shipping charges for the Hayes book. The international shipping is the same as given at the bottom of the order form for all the Sumerian-related books that are on sale at:

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Last modified on January 29, 2024.